2620 dankz' Diana 4
Diana's rond'thema=5...2p

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SpruitjeNicknameFiglarka 3
Lidi 8½
Diana's thema: sigaretjes roken.
vanaf 12 mrt 2013 niet meer

Time takes a cigarette, puts it in your mouth, You stop in for a pack of ciga-
, You gotta have another cigaret-
, Smoking on a cigarette, Remember darling, don't smoke in bed, Was ich noch zu sagen hätte, dauert eine Ziga-
, Just talking over cigarettes and drinking coffee, Smoking cigarettes, don't know what to do, Cigarettes and chocolate milk, these are just a couple of my cravings, So we bought a pack of cigarettes and Mrs. Wagner pies, Your love's like one last cigarette, I'm ner-
vous and tremblin', smoking cigarettes at night
, Do anything just to get a harry rag, Bigger than guns, bigger than ciga-
, You're lighting one more cigaret-
en But all I found was cigarettes and alcohol.