Ingrid's rond'thema=5...1p
Alle vraagm3nt3n van rond'177 hebben één ding gemeen: 't rond'thema.
Deze vraag wordt gaandeweg minder waard.
Janot 5
Zwapz 5
Monkz 5
Caari 5
Ida 4
Ben 3
Bobs 2
Roger 1
Wouter 1
Ingrid's rond'thema: poen:
Not about the money...,
Jan Handcontant,
For the rose of love means more to me,
But it was just money...,
And I could not give it away,
Find a ticket, win a lottery,
Rich relations give crust of bread and such,
Twee kwartjes &
Poen poen poen poen.